Official Court Reporter Survey Findings Regarding Certifications And Salary
\nTowards the end of last year, the Journal of Court Reporting released their finding from the 2015 JCR survey of officials, and the results were very enlightening and informative. One of the areas the court reporting survey provided data on focused on the correlation between being a certified court reporter and the level of salary ranges earned.\n
Survey Participants:
\nTo better interpret the survey results, it’s important to understand the make-up of the survey. In July 2015 the Journal of Court Reporting survey official reported and received approximately 700 respondents. The respondents included official court reporters from local, state and federal courts and parliamentary reporters as well.\n
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Who Makes Up An Official:
\nAccording to the survey responses, almost 94% of official court reporters are female. The majority have also have been working for more than 25 years with 18% having between 15 and 20 years of experience as an official court reporter. 67% work for the state, and most (96%)work 30+ hours per week, which is considered full-time. Finally, over 89% held the National Court Reporter Association’s Registered Professional Reporter credential with just over 42% also holding a state certification.\n
Official Court Reporter Salary And Income:
\nBased on survey respondents, 13% of officials earn a salary between $30,000 – $50,000; 40% between $50,001 – $75,000; 36% between $75,001 – $100,000; and 10% making more than $100,001. In addition, approximately 90% of the survey respondents provided information related to additional income providing transcript services. This data showed 34% earned less than $10,000; while 40% earned $10,001 – $25,000. Even more interesting, 20% stated making an additional $25,001 – $50,000; 7% earning $50,001 – $100,000; and 0.5% reporting $100,001 and more. This shows that official court reporting can be a financially rewarding career choice and even more beneficial when performing additional transcript services.\n\n\n
Impact Of Court Reporting Certifications On Salary:
\nMany of the respondents reported that holding a certification (NCRA, United States Court Reporters Association, the state, or other organization) was required for their position. The study reported that 64% of the non-certified court reporters reported an income range of $30,000 – $75,000, while 89% of the RPR certified stated a range of $50,000 – $125,000.\n
Learn More About The Study:
\nTo get more details and additional official court reporter survey findings, learn more about the original Journal of Court Reporting article here.\n
\nReported findings and interpretations were based of approximate participant totals and percentages were rounded. For specific figures and findings, validate with the detailed JCR survey.\n
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